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Английский язык 5 - 9 классы Зубов

К каждой картинке написать маленькое описание.Подскажите нужно срочно(заранее спасибо)!

A) This is department store. There are a lot of products, materials and foods. All
A) This is department store. There are a lot of products, materials and foods. All people go to department stores, because they need to buy their stuffs.
B) This is shopping mall. There are a lot of entertainments, shops, cafes, restaurants. In the shopping mall people relaxing and buy their stuffs or clothes.
C) This is bazaar. In the bazaar people buy foods, products, fruits and vegetables.
D) This is car boot sale. Car boot sale are a form of market in which private individuals come together to sell household and garden goods.
Отв. дан
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