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Английский язык 5 - 9 классы Gagda

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People usually pay their attention to fashion because its really cool to feel yourself well
People usually pay their attention to fashion because its really cool to feel yourself well when wearing clothes that are really attractive and beautiful, when the other people look on you and admire your clothes. Moreover the person dressing by rules of fashion will always know he is looking good and so the most righteous way to look beatiful every time is just follow the rules of the fashion.

Of course, there is lots of pros and cons anyway, and not an every person would like to dress by fashion. Sometimes this dresscode reaches unnormal view of clothes and its not comfortable to wear it. So, anyway, i just want to say that every person has its own taste and its absolutely his rights how to dispose it.

As for me, i dont like following fashion because i like wear what i like and i dont want to follow someones rules what to wear. I find it silly and see now sense to dress myself as someones (в данном случае someone has, а не чьи-то, мало ли надо без сокращений...) said, doesnt it look stupid
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