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Подскажите как пожалуйста написать что-то похожее на письмо по английскому о родителях : как относишься, сколько свободы они тебе дают.


My parents are the kindest and best! I love them very much, not only for what they do to me, but for what gave me life. My parents are very kind, they almost do not forbid me. Thanks to them, Im well dressed, I eat well. Thanks to my parents for everything!

Dear John,

Thank you for your letter. Ill tell you about my parents too.

My parents are quite young: my mum is thirty-seven and dad is forty. We usually get on very well, although we do not always agree with each other. I know they worry a lot about my safety, that is why I cant say that I do everything I want to.

What I like about our relationship is that we always talk and listen to each other. I think I have quite a lot of freedom, but I have worked for it. My parents allow me to do all the extracurricular activities I want, and go to whatever parties I want to go to as long as I study well and stay out of trouble.

I can say I trust my parents and they trust me.

You write that you have an elder brother. Do you get on well with him

Best wishes,

(ваше имя)

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