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Английский язык 5 - 9 классы Михаил

Напишите 20 предложений в положительном и 20 в отрицательном и 20 в вопросительном Present Simple ДАЮ 20 БАЛЛОВ


1) We live in a beautiful country. - We dont live in a beautiful country. - Do we live in a beautiful country

2) It snows in winter. - It doesnt snow in summer. - Does it snow in winter

3) Paper is made from wood. - Paper isnt made from oil. - Is paper made from wood

4) He gets up at 7 oclock. - He doesnt get up at 8 oclock. - Does he get up at 7 oclock

5) Dogs like bones. - Dogs dont like beans. - Do dogs like bones

6) He jogs every morning in the park. - He doesnt jog every morning in the park. - Doe he jog every morning in the park

7) My mum bakes tasty pies. - My mum doesnt bake any pies. - Does my mum bake tasty pies

8) He always talks about himself . - He doesnt always talk about himself. - Does he always talk about himself

9) You watch my every step. - You dont watch my every step. - Do you watch my every step

10) They are very helpful. - They arent very helpful. - Are they very helpful

11) Jane is a teacher. - Jane isnt a student. - Is Jane a teacher

12) Summers are hot here. - Summers arent hot here. - Are summers hot here

13) Its a boring task. - It isnt a boring task. - Is it a boring task

14) Kids like to play. - Kids dont like to play. - Do kids like to play

15) I speak fluent English. - I dont speak fluent English. - Do I speak fluent English

16) The sun rises in the east. - The sun doesnt rise in the west. - Does the sun rise in the east

17) We do a lot of tests. - We dont do a lot of tests. - Do we do a lot of tests

18) Some of you are patient. - Some of you arent patient. - Are any of you patient

19) There is some time left. - There isnt any time left. - Is there any time left

20) They sell ice-cream here. - They dont sell ice-cream here. - Do they sell ice-cream here

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