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Английский язык Студенческий Kiribandis

Подскажите как пожалуйста. Нужно расставить знаки препинания. I have recently met a new friend her name is Kate and she is a student of Railway college I`d like to say a few words about her appearance briefly speaking she has got a pretty appearance Kate is rather tall for her age although we are peers she is much taller than me she is neither fat not thin she is a medium size compared with her I am a bit slimmer perhars it is because I have been attending dance classes from the early childhood Her hair is not long it is of a shoulder length she is blond Her eyes are big and beautiful frankly speaking sh looks gorgeous besides she is a kind and clever girl


I have recently met ,a new friend her name is Kate and she is a student .of Railway college, I`d like to say a few words about her .appearance briefly speaking she has got .a pretty appearance Kate is rather tall for her age although we are peers she is much taller than me she is neither fat not thin she is a medium size compared with her I am a bit slimmer perhars it is because I have been attending dance classes from the early childhood Her hair is not long it is of a shoulder length she is blond Her eyes are big and beautiful frankly speaking sh looks gorgeous besides she is a kind and girl

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