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Английский язык 10 - 11 классы Maommase

Помогите пожалуйста раскрыть скобки. 1.when it (get light) in our town in April? 2.When you usually(have breakfast)on Sundays? 3.There(be) still no snow in the streets of Moscow last December. 4.What businessmen your director(receive) two days ago? 5.What you(speak about)with your friends on your way home?

1. When does it (get light) in our town in April
2. When do you usually (have breakfast) on Sundays
3. There (was) still no snow in the streets of Moscow last December.
4. What businessmen did your director (receive) two days ago
5. What were you (speaking about) with your friends on your way home

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