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Английский язык Студенческий Альбина

Подскажите как пожалуйста с Английским! Задание №5.Перепишите предложения, поставьте вместо пропусков одно из неопределенных местоимений: some, any. Переведите предложения письменно. 1. There is _______ tea in the crystal glass, but it is very hot. 2. There is _______ fresh milk in the fridge. I cant make porridge. 3. Are there ________ tasty apples in the bag 4. There isnt _______ jam on the round plate. 5. There are _______ bananas on the wooden table. They are yellow.

1) There is some tea in the crystal glass, but it is very hot.
2) There is some fresh milk in the fridge. I cant make porridge.
3) Are there any tasty apples in the bag
4)There isnt any jam on the round plate.
5) There are some bananas on the wooden table. They are yellow
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